In SupHermann  's collection
Moonlight Mask by Jiro Kuwata - Comic Strip

Moonlight Mask

Comic Strip
27 x 39.5 cm (10.63 x 15.55 in.)
Chanter of Mercy


Gekko Kamen a.k.a. Moonlight Mask [Moon Knight]
Planche 40 et 41
Chapter of Mercy
Shonen Club March 1960


Moonlight Mask was Japan's answer to American series such as The Lone Ranger, Batman, Zorro ... and is regarded as Japan's first live-action TV superhero.

The television series (1957-58) quickly received the necessary merchandise as well as of course manga adaptations - Until the end of 1960, the manga were written by Jiro Kuwata and then taken over by his student Takaharu Kusunoki.

Jiro Kuwata (1935-2020) is without a doubt one of the greatest post-war manga artists. He started drawing in 1948 and in 1966, when Shonen Gahosha acquired the Batman rights (for Japan), they entrusted him with the project. Kuwata is best known outside Japan for his Batmanga!

Moonlight Mask is credited as the inspiration for Marvel's Moon Knight


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