Dans la collection de Dukefleed
Mike Deodato Jr., Mike Deodato - Punisher Force of Nature #1 cover - Couverture originale

Mike Deodato - Punisher Force of Nature #1 cover

Couverture originale
Encre de Chine


So Punisher has killed the marvel universe long before Deadpool.. but he's also fought Moby Dick long before Deadpool killustrated came out where Deadpool killed the famous whale. As you may or may not know - I relish this kind of humour.

Besides the ridiculous concept, the reason I went after this cover is the stunning art. What makes this cover so cool for me is the intricate rendering by master artist Mike Deodato. One of the things I love about this artist is his diverse style and strong inking abilities.

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A propos de Mike Deodato Jr.

Mike Deodato Jr., de son vrai nom Deodato Taumaturgo Borges Filho, né à Campina Grande, est un dessinateur de comics brésilien.

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