Dans la collection de Marvelman
Dave Gibbons, Martha Washington Goes to War #3 p8 - Planche originale

Martha Washington Goes to War #3 p8

Planche originale
Encre de Chine
28 x 42 cm (11.02 x 16.54 in.)


This is a beauty - gorgeous draughtsmanship by Dave Gibbons as Martha negotiates one of her famous crash landings!

Dave Gibbons is one of the best at drawing convincing tech and his depiction of the plane flying apart is spot on, along with Frank Miller's narration it really puts you in the cockpit.

I also really like this piece because it reminds me of Roy Lichtenstein's Whaam painting, where he shamelessly appropriated the work of Irv Novick - Gibbons did a brilliant satirical print on this very subject some years ago.

Martha pages come up rarely and I'm delighted to have this epic piece.

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A propos de Dave Gibbons

Dave Gibbons est un scénariste et dessinateur de comics britannique. Il dessine de nombreuses couvertures et des récits pour quasiment tous les personnages de DC. En 1986, il collabore avec Alan Moore sur la série limitée Watchmen qui révolutionne les comics.