In Ghostin  's collection
Maghella (IT) #3 P9 by Dino Leonetti - Comic Strip

Maghella (IT) #3 P9

Comic Strip


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About Dino Leonetti

Dino Leonetti is best known for the 1970s erotic comic 'Maghella'. Born in Florence, Leonetti initially focused on a career in the cinema field, but switched to comics in the early 1960s with Italian stories starring 'Mandrake' and 'The Phantom'. He also made 'Fantasm', 'Verola' and 'Demoniak' and worked for the British market through the Giolitti studios ('Dick Turpin', 'Sgt. Trelawney', until 1965). After a short interlude working in cinema, he returned to comics with 'Maghella', published initially in Menelik and later in its own publication at Ediperiodici. The texts of this erotic comic were written by F. Arrasich. Leonetti eventually founded the Dino Leonetti studios, where artists like Roberto De Angelis and Giuseppe Barbati made their debuts. In 1975, Leonetti illustrated several volumes in the collection 'Storia di Roma' and was present in Corrier Boy with 'Flower' and 'Marshall Jim'. He also made 'Welcome to Rome' in Il Messagero'. In the 1980s, he cooperated with the female magazines Ragazza and Cioè. He passed away in Rome in 2006. Text (c) Lambiek