In Smartdwarf 's collection
Emmanuel Civiello, La Graine de Folie - album Le grand ornement - page 25 - Planche couleur 60x39.3 cm - Comic Strip

La Graine de Folie - album Le grand ornement - page 25 - Planche couleur 60x39.3 cm

Comic Strip


La Graine de Folie - album Le grand ornement - page 25 - Planche couleur 60x39.3 cm


Superbe splash page grand format de l'album "Le grand ornement" de La Graine de Folie de Civiello. Les couleurs sont vives et les détails sont saisissants de réalisme. Planche signée.


  • Le grand ornement
  • Delcourt
  • 06/1998
  • Page 25

See also:   La Graine de folie

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About Emmanuel Civiello

Emmanuel Civiello is a French comic strip artist and illustrator. Civiello's drawings are highly realistic and full of detail. His albums are all in direct colour. Civiello has already produced several comic strip albums, either on his own or with a scriptwriter. He has also illustrated several books.