In MV9957 's collection
Kim, Antonio Altarriba, L'Aile Brisée - El Ala Rota - Comic Strip

L'Aile Brisée - El Ala Rota

Comic Strip
21 x 29 cm (8.27 x 11.42 in.)
El Ala Rota


Oeuvre complémentaire à El Arte de Volar, du même binôme Altarriba-Kim. Ce second volet explore le parcours de la mère d'Antonio Altarriba, épouse du personnage central d'El Arte de Volar. Cette oeuvre ne revêt pas le même caractère exceptionnel qu'El Arte de Volar, mais apporte d'autres éclairages et explore par exemple le monde paysan d'avant-guerre avec le même décalage tragicomique.


  • El ala rota
  • Norma Editorial
  • 04/2016
  • Interior page

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About Kim

Joaquim Aubert Puigarnau (Kim) was born in Barcelona in 1942 (some sources say 1941). After studying fine arts he took up painting. He published his first comics in musical magazine Vibraciones, showing the influence of US underground comix. When humorous weekly El Jueves was launched in 1977, Kim was assigned to do a satire on a supporter of the Spanish extreme right. As a result he came up with 'Martínez El Facha', which was destined to be his best known and most enduring character. Kim has also contributed some short works to such magazines as Por Favor, Mata Ratos, Rambla, El Víbora and Makoki. Together with Antonio Altarriba, he released his first graphic novel in 2009, called 'El arte de volar'. Text (c) Lambiek