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Daan Jippes, Carl Barks, Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks page - Comic Strip

Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks page

Comic Strip


Page 16 of Wailing Whalers, the main story from the US publication Junior Woodchucks 15. Re-inked by Jippes in 2002.


Daan Jippes has been the undisputed master of recreating and imitating Carl Barks´ style since the 1970s. Recently he has re-inked all the stories Barks wrote and pencilled only from 1966 to 1974.
This is his inked version of page 16 of the main story from Junior Woodchucks 15, Wailing Whalers. It was first published in Scandinavia in 2002. Barks´ pencil sketches were originally inked by Kay Wright and published in the US in 1972.

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About Daan Jippes

Daan Jippes is considered as one of Holland's best comic book artists, and one of the few who has gained international fame. He is mainly noted for his work on Disney comics, especially for his ability to work in a near-mint copy of Carl Barks' style.