In Duppie  's collection
John Millar Watt, Hiram, the King of Tyre - Original Illustration

Hiram, the King of Tyre

Original Illustration
30 x 41 cm (11.81 x 16.14 in.)




When King Solomon planned to build the Temple at Jerusalem, he sent for Hiram for timber and craftsmen. Hiram agreed to provide fir and cedar wood and skilled workers in return for 20,000 measures of wheat and 20 measures of oil a year.

Our picture shows Hiram choosing the trees to be felled. Solomon's men and Hiram's worked side by side to build the magnificent Temple, which was decorated inside by Hiram's clever craftsmen in bronze, copper and gold (1 Kings 5, 6).

One of Millar Watt's fabulous paintings created for the illustration on p24 of The Bible Story issue no 18 (4 July 1964).

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