Dans la collection de Matthias 
Mike Mignola, 2012 - Hellboy in Hell #4 - Pg.1 - Planche originale

2012 - Hellboy in Hell #4 - Pg.1

Planche originale
Encre de Chine
29 x 44.5 cm (11.42 x 17.52 in.)
Detail 1
Detail 2
Page in the book


Page 1
".......The opening page with two panels of Hellboy and everything else floating in the Abyss sets the stage perfectly for the sort of art contained in the issue.
In the first panel, Mignola focuses solely on the strange and unknown; the edges of monstrous creatures coming into few from off-panel and gross blobs and spheres that also drift through the water. From there, the issue shifts over to seeing Hellboy's body in the second panel; in doing so, there's suddenly a better idea of just how big those massive tentacles really are as Hellboy looks puny in comparison. For beings that readers never see more than the edges of -- the better for which to let the reader mentally fill in the gaps with something even more horrific than anyone could draw on their own -- Mignola's art gives them a vast presence here." (from http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=user_review&id=5751)


  • Hellboy in Hell #4
  • Dark Horse Comics
  • 03/2013
  • Page 1
  • The Descent
  • Dark Horse Comics
  • 05/2014
  • Page intérieure

Voir aussi :   Hellboy

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A propos de Mike Mignola

Mike Mignola est un dessinateur américain contemporain de comics publiant notamment chez Dark Horse et principalement connu pour sa série Hellboy.