Dans la collection de occultis 
Canardo cover par Benoît Sokal - Couverture originale

Canardo cover

Couverture originale
Encre de Chine
(A Suivre) 35


The US have Donald Duck, Daffy Duck and Howard The Duck - Belgium and France have Canardo, a hard-boiled detective partly inspired by (the not so hard-boiled) Inspector Columbo and living in a surrealistic funny (or not so funny) animal world. A hit in the 1980s and still going strong. This cover is from (A Suivre) No. 35 and shows Canardo with his doggy friend. The cover for the first album is similar.


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A propos de Benoît Sokal

Benoît Sokal, né à Bruxelles, est un scénariste et dessinateur de bande dessinée principalement connu comme créateur de la série Canardo.

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