In Charlyd77 's collection
Bloodi by Pierre Ouin - Sketch




Eo Tome 1 C'est les rats


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About Pierre Ouin

Inspired by the punk movement, Pierre Ouin and his friends Bénito and Max, launched the fanzine Krapö. In addition to creating extremely violent stories, Ouin & Co have organized some remarkable "happenings" at comics festivals like Angoulême. Pierre Ouin joined Métal Hurlant magazine in 1982, where he created the character Artie (scenario Martine Rosier). An album appeared at Humanoïdes Associés: 'Artie et Cob se les Prennent Tous'. Another character he created was the junk Bloodi. Aside from 'Métal Hurlant', other magazines published the adventures of 'Bloodi', like Viper, Flag, Rigolo and Psikopat. In 1986 and 1988 Pierre Ouin wrote 'Fuck, Fly and Bomb' and 'Suck Korea, Suck' for Max, two albums that appeared in the collection X of Futuropolis. Humanoïdes Associés published his albums 'Little Big Cock', 'Pat Couille' and 'Les Plumwaukuus' in the 1980s. Since 1989 he has been a frequent contributor to Psikopat magazine. After 1991 he is also working for the Catholic publisher Fleurus (a.o. for Fripounet magazine). Text (c) Lambiek