In TT 's collection
Oscar Bazaldúa Nava, Ivan Santillan Cardenas, Almas perversas #481 : El nacazo - Original Illustration

Almas perversas #481 : El nacazo

Original Illustration
25.5 x 38 cm (10.04 x 14.96 in.)
Almas perversas #481


Couverture Almas perversas #481


Le saviez-vous ? 😉
Naco :
(Mexico) Maybe from “Totonaca”, a Mexican tribe of the Pre-Columbian era-
Classless, pretentious, obtrusive, the Mexican version of white trash. Mostly blue-collar undereducated people, but can be applied even to a wealthier crowd (nouveaux riches, snob). They’re characterized for having no respect for others. Their only source of information is television. Males usually are truly soccer fans and females are telenovelas (soaps) fans. Most nacos like to name their sons with anglo-saxon names. It may be used as an adjective for both persons and objects.
“El Kevin cree que poniendole neon a su coche va a ser mas rapido, se ve bien naco.”
“Kevin thinks that neon lights on his car will make it faster, it looks so naco.”


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About Oscar Bazaldúa Nava

Oscar Bazaldúa Nava has been working in Mexico comics since the 1980s. He studied for a year and a half at a commercial art school, but had to quit when the school collapsed in the 1985 earthquake. He then assisted Sixto Valencia on the libretto 'La Serpiente Desplumada' for a couple of years. He is a regular artist on so-called Ghetto Librettos of the publishing houses Toukán and Mango (cheap pulp comic books full of sex and violence such as Almas Perversas and Relatos de Presidio). Text (c) Lambiek