Note : some artworks may appear multiple times if they have been published by Albin Michel in different books

Original art : 1 - 12 on 177

Albin Michel - Pinocchia
Jean-Pierre Gibrat
Original Illustration

Albin Michel - La survivante
Paul Gillon
Survivante (La)
Comic Strip

Albin Michel - La survivante
Paul Gillon
Survivante (La)
Comic Strip

Albin Michel - Le parfum de l'invisible
Milo Manara
Parfum de l'invisible (Le)
Comic Strip

Albin Michel - King Kong
Christophe Blain
King Kong
Comic Strip

Albin Michel - L'héritage
Denis Sire
Lisa Bay
Comic Strip

Albin Michel - Tome 11
Philippe Vuillemin
Sales blagues de l'Echo (Les)
Original Cover

Albin Michel - Anita bomba (quatre volumes)
Anita bomba (quatre volumes)
Original Illustration

Albin Michel - La survivante
Paul Gillon
Survivante (La)
Comic Strip

Albin Michel - La survivante
Paul Gillon
Survivante (La)
Comic Strip

Albin Michel - Les Femmes de Liberatore
Les Femmes de Liberatore
Original Illustration

Albin Michel - Tout Paulette
Georges Pichard Georges Wolinski
Comic Strip

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